Code Chronicles #20: From C# to Machine Code

Many developers in the community are self-taught, jumping right into application development after watching lots of how-to tutorials and lots of trial-and-error processes. Many never had an opportunity to learn about some core concepts and understand what's happening behind the scenes of their writing due to occupation with

Code Chronicles #19: Generating API Clients using OpenAPI Specification

In this post, we'll dive into the role of OpenAPI specifications and discuss two crucial tools that can simplify your interaction with them: NSwag and AutoRest. OpenAPI, a widely adopted standard for designing APIs, enables different software systems to communicate effectively. It's particularly valuable when integrating

Code Chronicles #18: Avoid direct DateTime and DateTimeOffset usage

Our programming journey often presents us with intricate dependencies that require clever workarounds. A commonly overlooked one is system time. This edition tackles such dependencies to create testable, robust, and maintainable code. Many of us are guilty of directly using DateTime.Now or DateTimeOffset.Now in our code, which unfortunately

Code Chronicles #17: Verifying the Quality of Unit Tests with Stryker.NET

I've been reading a lot lately about all the TDD topics coming from plenty of TDD enthusiasts in the dev community. However, no one is talking about how valid those tests really are, how code coverage can be a false safety net and what can we do about

Code Chronicles #16: Method Execution Auditing using DispatchProxy

I'm not a big fan of forcing design patterns everywhere just for the sake of it, but they do exist for a reason. Today, I'm going to explain and show you the practical usage of one of them - the Proxy design pattern, specifically using it

Code Chronicles #15: Encrypting Sensitive Data with Entity Framework Value Converters

Let's explore the Entity Framework (EF) ValueConverter feature. ValueConverter, as the name suggests, provides the ability to transform values just before they're stored in the database, and again when reading them back. This adds a handy layer of control to how we handle our data, especially

Code Chronicles #14: Mastering Docker - Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices from the Trenches

In this Docker sequel, we will embark on a more advanced journey, covering topics that would bring your Docker understanding and usage to the next level. We'll be discussing application logging, BuildKit, multi-stage builds, container networking, and more, along with several practical Dockerfile and Docker Compose examples. Deep

Sea (#), Sun, and Shells: Docker - Your Virtual Harbor

As I was watching a ship dock in the harbor yesterday, I couldn't help but draw a parallel with something that I've been using for over 8 years - Docker. I can't help but wish I could send the knowledge I've gathered
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