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Benefit from the insights of a seasoned software engineer with over a decade of experience, honed in Microsoft technologies, cloud solutions, messaging systems, and intricate software architecture.


Code Chronicles #28: The Game of Design Patterns - Visitor

Today, we're diving deep into one of the design patterns often seen as a head-scratcher: The Visitor Pattern. The "Visitor Pattern" Explained... Again I've noticed that, throughout my career, the "Visitor Pattern" seems to be the one design pattern that stumps many

Code Chronicles #27: Mastering Hangfire and Enhancing .NET Background Jobs

In the realm of the .NET ecosystem, background jobs are often an essential component of efficient and scalable applications. At the heart of this, the Hangfire library stands out with its combination of simplicity and power. Understanding Hangfire's Core Hangfire offers a multi-threaded, scalable solution to background processing.

Code Chronicles #26: Application Flow Control with ErrorOr

I've got some news that might revolutionize how you handle errors and control your application flow in C#. Have you ever felt that traditional error-handling methods and libraries don’t cut it anymore? Meet ErrorOr, a C# library designed to simplify and streamline error handling with a unified

Code Chronicles #25: A Deep Dive into 'using' Directive in C#

I'll be talking about the versatile using directive in C# - its various usages, the subtle differences of placing it inside vs. outside of the namespace, and other related things. So, let's begin. 1. The Basic using Directive Before we go into the complexities, let'

Code Chronicles #24: Understanding the 'Dynamic' Side of C#

Let's take a close look at an interesting part of C#: the dynamic keyword. Unpacking 'Dynamic' In the C# world, which loves its strict types, dynamic stands out. It's a type that C# 4.0 introduced, allowing some flexibility. In situations where you can&

Code Chronicles #23: Managed vs Unmanaged Resources in C#

Today, we're diving into an essential C# and .NET programming aspect: understanding and managing resources. So, let's get started. Managed Resources In the .NET world, managed resources are objects the .NET runtime's garbage collector (GC) can handle. Whenever we use the new keyword to

Code Chronicles #22: Protecting OAuth Tokens like a Pro with Data Protection API

Have you heard of or used Data Protection API (DPAPI) before? What is DPAPI? DPAPI is a cryptographic API in .NET that provides services to secure sensitive data, especially when storing it in an insecure location. It uses a combination of encryption and hashing algorithms and generates a unique encryption

Code Chronicles #21: IL Weaving Technique

In the previous chapter, we've seen how our C# code gets converted to the Common Intermediate Language (CIL), often called Intermediate Language (IL). I promised we'd use the advantage of the fact that IL exists as a step between our C# code and the machine code
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